HARBOUR CLOSED EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO CHARLESTOWN HARBOUR LOCK GATE Mariners are warned that due to extensive repair and replacement works of the lock gate and inner harbour entrance, from 04/02/25 Charlestown Harbour remains closed to shipping until further notice. You are advised that shipping containers…
Update on Charlestown Harbour Storm Damage and Vessel Movements, 10th October 2024
We are pleased to report that contractors from Teignmouth Maritime Services (TMS) are now on site and will begin work to safely lower the damaged lock gate. This will allow the vessels currently in the harbour to leave without further risk to the gate or…
Storm Damage to Charlestown Harbour – 30th September 2024
Following Southerly storm winds of up to 60mph, Charlestown Harbour has experienced severe damage to its lock gate. As a result of this damage and following expert consultation the harbour team have made the decision to open the sluice gate and operate tidally to avoid further…
Lockgate Regeneration Project
In Autumn 2024 Charlestown Harbour will commence the Lockgate Regeneration Project. The Harbour is delighted that Cornwall Council has awarded £656,047 from the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund to assist with this critical initiative. Charlestown Harbour’s lockgate is the single most important element of the Harbour,…
Cornwall Seafari running from Charlestown Harbour
We are so excited that the fantastic Cornwall Seafari will be running trips from Charlestown Harbour this year. There are a range of trips on offer, from shorter 25 minute trips, 45 minute sightseeing trips. As well as the stunning caves and coves only accessible by water,…
April 2023 – the pop-ups are open!
Charlestown Harbour’s unique Georgian Inner Harbour is now open again to the public, and with it are some fantastic seasonal pop-ups as well as unique experiences both on and off the water. Food and drink In the Inner Harbour there is a wonderful range of…
Winter evenings on board Lady Daphne
Lady Daphne is a beautiful Thames Sailing Barge, based here in Charlestown Harbour. Lady Daphne, as well as being available for private parties, receptions, celebrations and corporate bookings also runs specific events throughout the year. This winter, look out for an array of ticketed events…
Charlestown Harbour’s first ever Food Festival – Saturday 18th June 2022, 10am until sunset, FREE entry.
Charlestown Food Fest is an action-packed day full of family activities, food and live music. Based in Charlestown’s historic Georgian Port, the festival plans to offer much more than just food demonstrations and traders. Charlestown Food Fest is offering a wide range of events and…
The Inner Harbour is open!
Charlestown Harbour’s beautiful Georgian Inner Harbour is now open again to the public, and with it are some fantastic seasonal pop-ups as well as unique experiences both on and off the water. Food and drink In the Inner Harbour there is a wonderful range of…
The Charlestown Castaways! A beach school adventure with a difference
Working with Charlestown Harbour, Rock and Roots Beach & Forest School are thrilled to be able to offer a Beach School experience like no other – The Charlestown Castaways. Aimed at children aged 5 and over, this unique 2-hour experience will begin on Charlestown’s East…